2010年10月2日 星期六

HCS introduced

    Base on more than 30 years of ceramic and PCB work experience, High Conduction Scientific Co., Ltd. owns professional management and development team to develop DBC patent manufacturing expertise.

    The Direct Bonding Copper (DBC) substrate is composed of a ceramic insulator (Al2O3 or AIN) and pure copper foil which is bonded on by a high temperature that tightly and firmly joined to the ceramic. The unique usefulness of DBC substrate in power electronics is owed especially to the high thermal conductivity of Al2O3 (24 W/mK), the high thermal capacity and heat dissipation of the different thickness copper layer (0.06/0.15/0.3mm). Not only power electronics market we also run the business in the LED and HCPV market. 

    Rely on DBC advantage: High Thermal Conductivity, High Voltage Insulation, High Bonding Stability, Large Current Capability, Excellent Soldering Resistant, and Easy Circuit Patterning. We call it “High Conduction Substrate” 

